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Carla Lockhart Announces She Will Be a Candidate For Upper Bann in the forthcoming Election

Carla Lockhart MP • May 28, 2024

Carla Lockhart, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) candidate for Upper Bann, has warmly welcomed the announcement of a General Election to be held on 4th July 2024. Lockhart has been officially endorsed as a candidate for Upper Bann in the upcoming General Election. As the incumbent MP for Upper Bann, she is eager to embark on the campaign trail, engaging with constituents and discussing her vision for the future of Upper Bann and Northern Ireland as a whole.

"It is a profound honour to be selected once again as a candidate for Upper Bann in the forthcoming General Election" stated Carla Lockhart. "Over the past five years, I have dedicated myself to serving our community with unwavering commitment and determination. I am deeply grateful for the support and trust placed in me by the constituents, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue this important work."

"I am delighted that a General Election has been called," said Lockhart. "This election provides the people of Upper Bann with the opportunity to have their voices heard and to make a choice about the direction of our community and our country. It has been a privilege to serve as your Member of Parliament over the past five years, in addition to my time serving the people of Upper Bann at Stormont for three years. I am looking forward to meeting with voters over the coming weeks to discuss the issues that matter most to them."

"My campaign is built on the principles of 'speaking for you, working for you, delivering for you,'" said Lockhart. "I look forward to a positive and constructive campaign, where we can discuss the important issues which face our community as we seek to find solutions that benefit all of Upper Bann."

Carla Lockhart has established a distinguished record of service representing the people of Upper Bann, characterised by her dedication to promoting the local economy, securing infrastructure developments, and fighting for better support for families. Her approach to governance is rooted in hard work and tangible results, ensuring that the needs and concerns of Upper Bann are effectively addressed at the highest levels of government.

"Throughout my time in Parliament, I have focused on delivering real results for the people of Upper Bann," Lockhart continued. "From securing vital improvements to our local infrastructure to advocating for better transport links and supporting our farmers and businesses, I have always put the needs of our Upper Bann community first. I remain committed to working hard for Upper Bann and ensuring that our voice is heard loud and clear in Westminster."

Following the recent Northern Ireland Boundary Commission report, several areas will change to other constituencies namely, Dollinngstown, Magheralin, Aghagallon, Scarva and Loughbrickland with Loughgall transferring into Upper Bann. Lockhart extended a warm welcome to these new constituents, emphasising her readiness to serve their needs and represent their communities as they join the Upper Bann constituency.

"I warmly welcome the new areas of Loughgall and part of Mullahead Road joining Upper Bann," Lockhart said. "I am eager to meet and work with the new constituents, understanding their views and ensuring they receive dedicated representation and support. I will very much miss representing the people in the areas that are departing Upper Bann. I never take any vote for granted, and it has always been an honour for me to serve the people of Upper Bann. I offer all of those who will be moved to another area my very best wishes.”

Lockhart emphasised the importance of the upcoming election, noting that it comes at a critical time for Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. "This election is about the future of our community and our country. It is about ensuring that we have strong, effective representation that can deliver for Upper Bann and stand up for our values. I am ready to take on this challenge and to continue serving as your MP, working tirelessly to build a prosperous Northern Ireland as an integral part of the United Kingdom."

"I am deeply grateful for the support of that the people of Upper Bann have placed in me over many years," Lockhart added. "As we approach this election, I am more determined than ever to earn your vote and to continue representing you in Parliament."

"If you are away on 4th July or can’t make it out to vote in person, it is important to register for a postal vote or a proxy vote. The deadline to apply is 5 PM on 14th June 2024. If you need help making the application, please call me on 07883198008."


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