Carla Lockhart said:
“No one has the right to discard and dump their rubbish where they like. Sadly, on an all too regular basis, I am taking calls from people who have had fly tipping occur in their neighbourhood or on their road.
This is a disgusting a disgraceful act. It poses a range of health and safety hazards, and goes against the community spirit and the pride many have in keeping their community clean and tidy.
This week a significant amount of rubbish was dumped at Queen Street Garages in Portadown. All sorts of items were in the rubbish. It was disgusting. Thankfully, the culprit left some information that allows their identification and they will face a proportionate penalty.
My thanks go to the Council staff for their swift and thorough cleansing of this area. We need fly tipping to stop. It costs the ratepayer money to get this cleared up. We also need the full investigation of each incident, and penalty notices to be followed through in each instance.”
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