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NFU rural crime figures concerning - Lockhart

Carla Lockhart MP • Aug 02, 2024

Figures released by the National Farmers’ Union estimate that rural crime in Norther Ireland cost an estimated £2m in 2023, down 21.3% from £2.5m in 2022

“Although the latest figures show a decrease in the cost of crime in rural areas, they are still deeply concerning,” said Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart.

“Farmers and rural dwellers continue to be the victims of opportune thieves and organised crime gangs. The NFU has reported that rural crime cost a staggering £52.8m throughoutt he United Kingdom last year.

”The DUP’s Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Westminster spokesperson is urging farmers and people living in rural communities to stay vigilant and report suspicious activity in a bid to combat rural crime.

“Criminals are active in our countryside on a daily basis. Thefts of quad bikes, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), trailers, tractors, livestock, tools and fuel remain high. Dog attracts, fly-tipping and illegal dumping are also a blight on the countryside,” added Ms Lockhart.

“Organised criminal gangs are ‘stealing to order’ to supply illicit global markets for tractors, machinery and technology. Sophisticated GPS systems costing around £10,000, and valuable farm livestock have become ‘prize items’ for thieves in recent years.

Carla Lockhart is urging the PSNI and local authorities to adopt a united approach to reduce crime. “Farmers feel vulnerable and are reluctant to report rural crimes because of the risk of reprisal. Farmers and their families shouldn’t be living in fear!

“The majority of farmers feel rural criminality falls down the PSNI’s list of priorities. The PSNI must do more to strengthen its response to rural crime throughout Northern Ireland. It simply isn’t good enough to issue victims with a crime number so they can claim on their insurance. There is a need for more regular and visible police presence, and faster emergency response times, in rural areas. The courts should also impose tougher penalties on perpetrators.

”Ms Lockhart added: “Theft disrupts the running of a farm business and has a huge economic impact, as well as causing unnecessary stress and upset to farming families.”

“Farm incomes are falling and rural crime only adds to financial worries, causing furthe remotional stress.”

Farmers are encouraged to do what they can to safeguard their property and protect livelihoods. CCTV, tracker systems, trailer marking, and freeze branding of animals, can all help to deter criminal activity.

Ms Lockhart concluded: ”I would recommend participation in the Farm Watch scheme and urge members of the rural community to report any suspicious activity to Crimestoppers or the PSNI.


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