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MP hails Clogher Show a huge agri-food success

Carla Lockhart MP • Aug 01, 2024

Clogher Valley Agricultural Society’s annual show marks the end of the summer show circuit in Northern Ireland

Among the thousands of visitors attending this year’s 104 th show was DUP Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs spokesperson Carla Lockhart MP.

“It has been a tremendous family day out and I’d like to congratulate Clogher Valley Agricultural Society on another hugely successful show. Clogher Show is one of the highlights of the farming calendar, with an unbelievable number of exhibitors and visitors descending annually on the small village of Augher in County Tyrone for Northern Ireland’s largest one-day agricultural show.

“Events on this scale don’t just happen, there is a dedicated team of volunteers working tirelessly behind the scenes, and it takes months of planning and organisation. Well-done to secretary Ruth Montgomery and the show committee; and to the PSNI who are responsible for traffic management in the area.

”Clogher Show was blessed with glorious sunshine and attracted spectators from all over Ireland and further afield.

“Shows are a valuable shop window for our agri-food industry. It has been lovely to see such a fantastic turnout of prize-winning livestock. Many of the exhibitors were competing in the showrings for the first time and I was really pleased to see a significant number of enthusiastic young breeders taking part in all sections. There was great comradery up and down the cattle and sheep lines and it bodes well for the future of the province’s pedigree livestock industry.

“Farming can be a lonely occupation and events such as Clogher Show give farmers and their families an opportunity to take a day off and socialise with neighbours and friends.

“Clogher Show’s busy itinerary caters for all ages, providing a family-orientated and enjoyable day out with a large variety of trade stands, entertainment and array of home industries and school crafts. The event also gives local artisan producers and crafters a platform to promote their rural enterprises.

”The Upper Bann MP added: “Over the last number of years local agricultural shows have found it difficult to operate, mainly due to soaring overhead costs. I know many shows are already planning for 2025 and I am continuing to call for DAERA Minister Andrew Muir and other Government departments to provide a financial life-line to safeguard the long-term future of our provincial agricultural shows.

“Shows are essential for promoting our livestock industry and agri-food businesses. They also help to facilitate tourism opportunities and economic growth in rural communities.”


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