Speaking following the events Carla Lockhart MP said, “I always have enjoyed Saturday mornings getting out and about round the community supporting events and those that run them. At the weekend past I had a most enjoyable time at Banbridge Lion’s Big Breakfast and a Coffee and Craft morning in Blackskull Orange Hall.
Banbridge Lions Club are exemplary with their efforts to raise funds for worth causes. With years of experience in organising events their first ever “Big Breakfast” went smoothly and far exceeded their expectations. Along with Charlie we attended a packed Breakfast, with over 200 in attendance thoughout the course of the morning. The efforts were in aid of the Southern Area Hospice, a charity dear to my heart having had a loved one avail of the services of the Hospice. I would commend Joanne, the President of the Club and the army of volunteers, youg and old for their efforts. They went over and above to make everyone feel welcome and to ensure they had food in abundance.
It was lovely then to call into a family run Coffee and Craft Fair in Blackskull Orange Hall for the Young Lives v Cancer charity. Eden McFarland has committed to doing a skydive for the charity and has already raised in excess of £2000. Saturday’s coffee morning was a huge success and one that was well attended by the local community. Speaking to the crafters they certainly enjoyed the event also. I would commend Eden and her family for organising such a superb event and for going over and above to help young people who have been diagnosed with cancer. I work with this charity in Westminster and they really do amazing work in advocating for better services and financial support for cancer sufferes and supporting directly young people affected by cancer.”
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