“Farmers have a reputation for being resilient in face of adversity, but unfortunately the health and well-being of farmers and those living in rural areas is being impacted by external challenges on a daily basis.“
It is very concerning that suicide and depression is on the rise across the entire community. It isn’t just confined to rural communities and age has no boundaries.
The DUP’s Westminster Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs spokesperson added: “The Rural Chaplaincy and organisations such as Rural Support are reaching out and engaging with struggling farmers and their families.
“Even the most efficient farmers and thriving rural businesses can find it tough when faced with circumstances beyond their control. We are all aware that the wet weather has brought challenges for farmers, and this coupled with rising costs of production, volatile farmgate prices, labour shortages and a rising incidence of disease such as TB, are all having a negative impact on the agri-food industry.
“Rural crime, fraud and isolation are other causes for concern; while farm accidents and illness can also take their toll on farming families.”
The Rural Chaplaincy was founded almost three years ago and is headed up by Presbyterian Minister and part-time farmer Rev Kenny Hanna. He is assisted by Simon Walsh from the Faith Mission and Jim Henning, the former managing director of Armaghdown Creameries.
Ms Lockhart continued: ”I was delighted to have the opportunity to invite Simon Walsh from the Rural Chaplaincy team to say Grace and lead us in prayer at the DUP’s Rural Affairs Breakfast in Belfast last week.
“The Rural Chaplaincy team reaches out offering support to farmers, farming families and those living in rural communities. They adopt a ‘whole person’ approach to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, providing confidential help and advice. The team is there to empathize with individuals and families from all backgrounds, identifying, engaging and making referrals on a range of prevailing issues.
”Stormont Agricultural Committee spokesperson Michelle McIlveen MLA added: ”The Rural Chaplaincy team visit livestock markets on a weekly basis and I would urge anyone who is struggling or in need of a ‘listening ear’ to reach out. Kenny, Simon and Jim are keen to provide support and build a confidential pastoral relationship with members of the farming and rural community. They are also willing to conduct home visits.”
Rural Chaplain Rev Kenny Hanna can be contacted on mobile: 07938 488372, or email: ruralchaplain@presbyterianireland.org. The Rural Chaplain’s weekly diary of scheduled mart visits is printed in the local farming press and is also available on the Rural Chaplain – Kenny Hanna Facebook page.
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