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Carla Lockhart MP • Sep 10, 2024

During a powerful Westminster Hall debate on preventable baby loss, Carla Lockhart, Member of Parliament for Upper Bann, called for the introduction of baby loss certificates in Northern Ireland, as well as the need for comprehensive wrap-around support for parents who experience the tragedy of losing a child.

During the debate Lockhart emphasised the significant role that baby loss certificates, already available in England, play in giving grieving families a formal acknowledgment of their loss. "A greater effort needs to be made in the devolved regions—I am thinking of Northern Ireland—to replicate what is happening here in England with baby loss certificates, such is the importance of the issue for families."

However, Lockhart stressed that recognition alone is not enough. She urged that Northern Ireland must also ensure parents receive emotional, psychological, and practical support in the aftermath of a child's death. "This is certainly a debate that resonates with me on a very personal level, but I want to make mention of a little boy called Teddy from my constituency of Upper Bann, who died from sudden infant death syndrome. He will be forever seven weeks old…we need better wraparound services, particularly in our hospitals, with rooms made available for families who find themselves in these most tragic circumstances. There should be support, counselling and help right through their grief journey."

Lockhart has called for both Stormont and Westminster to prioritise the introduction of baby loss certificates in Northern Ireland and the implementation of broader support measures, including counselling services, healthcare guidance, and bereavement support.

Commenting after the debate, the DUP MP commented "It is vital that we, as a society, offer both formal recognition and wrap-around support to families at the most vulnerable moment in their lives. Ensuring compassionate care and understanding for bereaved parents must be a priority,".

Carla Lockhart remains committed to advocating for these necessary changes to help grieving parents across Northern Ireland.


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By Carla Lockhart MP 17 Sep, 2024
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