Speaking in Parliament, Carla Lockhart MP said:
"For more than ten years, Northern Ireland has been left behind when it comes to accessing the Warm Home Discount scheme. This exclusion is simply unacceptable, the reason given has always been that fuel poverty is a devolved issue in Northern Ireland, but so to is it in Scotland and Wales, where the scheme is available. Families here in Northern Ireland are struggling with rising energy costs, and yet they are denied the vital support that households across the rest of the UK receive."
"With another energy price increase expected, it is crucial that the UK Government takes immediate action to ensure that Northern Ireland is not left further behind. I raised this issue in Parliament and challenged the Government on their ongoing failure to address this glaring inequality. While the Minister confirmed that discussions with the Northern Ireland Executive are taking place, we need action, not just words."
Carla Lockhart MP has long campaigned for the extension of the Warm Home Discount to Northern Ireland, arguing that this would provide vital support to families facing the growing pressures of fuel poverty.
"The Warm Home Discount Scheme should be extended to Northern Ireland as a matter of urgency. This unfair exclusion cannot continue, and it is time for the Government to act in the best interests of all households, no matter where they live," she added.
The UK Government’s failure to include Northern Ireland in the scheme has left many vulnerable families without support as energy prices continue to rise. Carla Lockhart MP remains committed to securing fair treatment for the people of Northern Ireland and ensuring that they receive the support they deserve.
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