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Carla Lockhart MP • Sep 03, 2024

Upper Bann MP, Carla Lockhart has taken a strong stand in Parliament, advocating for increased support for unpaid carers, a group that plays a crucial yet often overlooked role in our society. Speaking post a debate on the need for a cross-departmental approach to supporting carers, she highlighted the alarming statistics from Northern Ireland and the pressing need for a comprehensive National Strategy to address the challenges faced by unpaid carers.

"Unpaid carers are an integral part of our health system," Ms. Lockhart stated. "In Northern Ireland alone, over 220,000 individuals provide care, saving our health service an estimated £5.8 billion per annum. Yet, so many are often left to struggle without adequate support, with 1 in 4 carers living in poverty."

A significant focus of her intervention in the debate was the gender disparity among unpaid carers. "Across the UK, 60% of carers are women. In Northern Ireland, the impact on women's lives is particularly stark: 34% have had to give up employment, 28% have reduced their working hours, and 17% have taken jobs below their qualification level. This not only affects their immediate financial situation but also has long-term consequences on their pensions and future job opportunities."

Ms. Lockhart called on the government to fulfill its promises, particularly urging Labour to prioritise this issue as they had previously pledged. "We cannot afford to shy away from addressing the needs of unpaid carers. A National Strategy must be developed with a keen focus on the gendered impact of unpaid care work. Our carers deserve nothing less."

“I remain committed to championing the rights of unpaid carers and will continue to press for meaningful action to ensure they receive the support and recognition they deserve.”


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