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Meeting with NI's Chief Vet

Carla Lockhart MP • May 30, 2024

Carla Lockhart  MP discusses critical issues with DAERA’s Chief Vet

THE DUP’s Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs spokesperson Carla Lockhart recently met DAERA’s chief vet Brian Dooher MRCVS, to discuss a number of critical issues impacting farmers and the wider agri-food sector.


“There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed urgently. Agriculture is a key player in the Northern Ireland economy and it is vital that local Government does everything it can to safeguard the future of the agri-food industry.”


Ms Lockhart continued: “Bovine TB is rampant across all counties and the future of our livestock industry is at stake. An outbreak of TB causes devastation to farming families, both financially and emotionally. It also decimates herds and destroys generations of valuable bloodlines and genetics.”


“Urgent action is needed! 2024 must be the year that DAERA takes control of the province’s escalating TB problem. Existing protocols need be to revised, and a more robust and structured plan must be implemented to control and eradicate TB. I am calling for DAERA Minister Andrew Muir to step up in the fight against devastating diseases such as TB, and not hide behind Westminster. Locally we can make a change.”


Carla Lockhart is also urging the Stormont Executive to push through legislation to eradicate BVD (bovine viral diarrhoea). Combating BVD is ‘within reach’ but restrictions must be introduced to reduce infection rates within non-compliant herds.”


Milder weather and ongoing risk assessments indicate that there is a high probability of Bluetongue disease re-emerging in GB in the coming weeks or months. The chief vet is urging livestock owners to be vigilant. Meanwhile, his department is committed to minimising the risk, and as a result, all live animal movements from GB to NI remain suspended for the foreseeable future.


“Bluetongue is ‘knocking on our door’ and it is very concerning,” explained Ms Lockhart.” The BTV-3 virus has been identified in several GB regions and currently there is no approved vaccine for serotype 3.


“Belgium is the second EU country to give emergency authorisation for the use of a new bluetongue vaccine for cattle and sheep. It is my understanding that BTV-3 vaccines have been developed by at least two manufacturers. The Dutch and Belgian authorities are poised for large-scale outbreaks this summer.


“Farmers in GB and NI are very anxious to protect their livestock. The Government must actively engage with vaccine manufacturers to source a suitable vaccine for use in the UK. An action-plan needs to be drawn up so that in the event of an outbreak, the vaccine can be rolled-out quickly and efficiently.”

Vets and farmers are also worried about access to drugs and vaccines from 2026 onwards. “It is alarming to think that over 50% of the veterinary medicines used on a daily basis could be taken off the shelves in Northern Ireland. The move will have serious implications for animal health and welfare, and will impact on the economic viability of farming. It’s not just farm livestock that will be affected, horses and domestic pets will also be impacted.”


Ms Lockhart is calling for the Government and the EU to reach an agreement on this issue. Failing agreement, the Government promised to take unilateral action if progress is not forthcoming. Any incoming Government must very quickly get to grips with this current impasse and seek to resolve it immediately.”


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