Carla Lockhart said:
“Unfortunately the end of March date for reopening has since passed because of further works needing carried out by NI Water. I have been continuing to liaise with DFI and have had confirmation that these works are now under way and end of April is the new date for proposed reopening.
This has been hugely frustrating and I would commend residents and road users for their patience. We have had a few false dawns with proposed reopening dates but be assured I have continued to stress the need for it to reopen as soon as possible as it is impacting travel times. New Bridge Integrated School bus routes and the roads being used as unofficial diversionary routes are in a terrible state.
As has been confirmed throughout, all other roads impacted by this closure will be assessed in due course for maintenance/surfacing given the extra traffic they have carried during this period of sustained closure of the Legananny Road.
In the meantime I would encourage people to use the specified diversionary routes, take care on the adjoining roads and be mindful of residents living in the area with increased traffic and verges which have been damaged as a result of vehicles having to travel alternative routes.“
Floodline - 0300 2000 100
Housing Executive - 0344 8920 901
NI Electricity - 0345 7643 643
NI Water - 0345 7440 088
Power NI - 0845 7463 643
BT -
0800 800 151
028 3831 0088
31-33 Queen Street
Craigavon, BT66 8BT
028 3831 0088
Office 5 Datos Park
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BT62 3DP
0207 219 3000
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