Speaking after attending their community open day on Saturday, Carla Lockhart MP and Cllr Wilson said, “what a wonderful facility and I would commend the select vestry and parishioners on their efforts to create a very accessible and welcoming facility for all the community. The area of Gilford is close knit and I have no doubt that the hall will be put to good use not only by the church folks but also the local community. It is always great to see a church growing and enhancing their facilities. This sends out a strong signal of being ingrained in the area and to spreading the good news of the gospel.
I wish the church well as they seek out new uses for the hall. Such a warm, friendly welcome awaits anyone who uses the facility. Gilford Church of Ireland certainly is a beautiful historic building and to now have a nice modern hall to accompany the church building is testament to the congregation having been blessed.”
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