Speaking on the issue Carla Lockhart MP said, “I took time last week to meet with Eimear and Sarah both of which are involved in Youth Provision across the Southern District. Eimear is the lead co-ordinator in Banbridge and does a superb job in ensuring that young people are well catered for with regards to youth initiatives.
It has been an unfortunate situation where owing to an initial heat pump problem it resulted in secondary problems with a burst pipe causing significant damage to parts of the building. I am please that together we have all been pushing for resolve and can confirm that the works to the building have commenced this week and the estimated time for completion is 4 weeks which will allow for the centre to re-open. Whilst the Centre has been shut every effort has been made to have provision continue off-site. This has been challenging but in the main has helped with regards to continuity of service and ensuing youth services for our young people.
I am delighted we have now an end date in site and will continue to press for timetable to be honoured. Thank you to the ladies and all the youth providers for their hard work and for all the efforts to continue with the youth projects and offerings off site over the last 3/4 months. I look forward to visiting again when the facility reopens.”
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